Mother and daughter practice pedestrian safety when crossing the street.



Knowing pedestrian safety guidelines can help reduce the potential risks that come into play when you step onto the sidewalk. 继续读下去,优先考虑自己和他人的行人安全.

On top of the many serious injuries sustained by pedestrians in the United 状态s in 2022, the 州长公路安全协会 估计有7508名行人死亡. 所以无论你的目的地在哪里, it’s good to take some simple steps to help keep you and your loved ones safe.


  • 使用人行道. 如果有的话,它们是最安全的步行地点. 如果没有提供人行道, 面对道路交通走路通常更安全, 越往左越好, 格外小心. 远离高速公路和其他禁区.
  • 是可见的. Wearing light-colored clothes with reflective materials may help you stand out to drivers. 如果你在一个非常黑暗的地方, you might want to carry a flashlight to help see w在这里 you're going and increase your visibility.
  • 保持警惕. 有很多 驾驶员分心的 在路上,所以要时刻保持警惕. Don't allow your vision to be blocked by clothing, hats or distractions on your cell phone. Make eye contact with drivers before crossing to confirm they can see you and pay attention to their turn signals.
  • 避免酒精和毒品. They can greatly impair your ability to walk safely and make good decisions. 这也包括一些非处方药. Read labels and check with your doctor to understand potential side effects or interactions.
  • 在拐角处穿过街道. While it may be tempting to cross mid-block, this is w在这里 many injuries occur. 使用 交通信号 人行横道要安全得多,尤其是在交通繁忙的地区.
  • 两边都看. 向左看,然后向右看,再向左看,然后过马路. Keep your eyes open as you cross and be aware that drivers might not see you even though you can see them.
  • 在十字路口要特别小心. This is w在这里 many drivers may fail to yield the right-of-way while turning onto another street. 如有行人信号, watch and follow the pedestrian signal rather than the traffic signal.
  • 总是 走路时避免发短信和上网. 行走或过马路时, avoid cellphone and headphone use so you can be observant of your surroundings. Texting while walking is distracting and makes it difficult to watch for traffic and obstacles in your path.
  • 留意停泊的车辆. 停车场可能特别危险 因为很多司机在倒车时视野有限. Drivers may not be expecting anyone to be walking t在这里 and extra attention is needed.
  • 是可预见的. 你的下一步行动对司机来说应该是显而易见的. Effective non-verbal communication such as a simple wave can help make the difference in a driver/pedestrian interaction.


  • 注意孩子. Pedestrian safety for kids can be difficult as they are often impulsive and can dart out in the street at any time. 遵守速度限制 and be especially cautious around residential neighborhoods and 学校区.
  • 让路给行人. 在转弯和等待交通打开时, 要注意行人可能已经进入你的道路. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way — wait for them to safely reach the sidewalk before proceeding with your turn.
  • 在车道和小巷周围要小心. When entering and exiting, these can be very difficult places to spot pedestrians. 密切观察,如果看不清楚,放慢速度.
  • 减少干扰. 发现行人需要你全神贯注. 使用手机, 饮食, 与乘客交谈, 看地图, 或者换电台会让你开车更 心烦意乱困难和危险. 如果你 are using a navigation app on your phone, set your destination before you begin driving.
  • 小心走人行横道. 如果行人正在过马路或即将过马路, stop well before you reach them so drivers in other lanes also have time to yield. 切勿超过另一辆为行人而停车的车辆.
  • 遵守速度限制. Abiding by speed limits increases a driver's ability to watch for pedestrians and adjust for curves or objects in the roadway to help avoid dangerous situations. 计划并留出额外的时间去到达目的地, take time to call ahead if you're running late and always follow the speed limit.
  • 在能见度低的情况下要保持警惕. Take extra precautions to spot pedestrians when driving at night or in weather conditions that reduce your ability to see, 就像 雾中驾驶无论下雨还是下雪.
  • 切勿酒后驾车. 如果你 酒后驾车, 你在损害认知能力和反应能力, which increases your risk of hitting someone or having an accident.
  • 退出仔细. 一旦你到达目的地, 尤其是你把车停在街上的时候, be aware of your surroundings and check your mirrors to allow for a smooth transition from driver to pedestrian.

Remember, being aware of your surroundings is important no matter how you get around. Common sense and good judgment can help everyone safely share the road.


The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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无论是回到学校还是在学年的后期, 这里有一些关于儿童校车安全规则的提示, 家长和校车司机.


Running a red light is a bad idea, but in some places it can also mean a surprise ticket.

骑自行车上班? 提高通勤安全



Walking is a healthy exercise that can reduce the effects of too much sitting. 这里有一些在家中和工作中做到这一点的建议.