Boy in cape.

Ways to save money


Young adults may find it difficult to save toward big financial goals 比如买房,同时享受自己的爱好和社交生活. The good news: You don't have to sacrifice fun with these simple ways to save money.


无论你是在杂货店还是在商场,有几个网站和应用程序都提供了很好的交易,可以节省数百种商品. 按零售商或商店分类,把打印的优惠券放在活页夹里,放在车里,方便使用. 除了使用优惠券外,根据杂货店的促销传单计划膳食可以进一步增加你的储蓄.

Signing up for browser extensions 当你还没有优惠券,也没有时间去搜索时,自动应用优惠券代码可以让你更容易地省钱.

Host a potluck dinner

Cooking meals at home is usually healthier than eating out, 所以,跳过欢乐时光的“交易”,和朋友一起吃顿家常便饭吧. 事先制定预算,让每个人带一到两个主菜、配菜、饮料或甜点.

Find free activities

当地社区的日历通常会列出许多事件和活动,其中许多是免费向公众开放的. If none pique your interest, 自己安排:在你的社区或城市的有趣的地方徒步旅行, take up geocaching or look into volunteering for a local community organization.

Shop secondhand

逛二手店是淘衣服的好方法, books, sports equipment and furniture. 在购买之前,一定要检查商品的质量,确保报价是合法的. 你也可以通过交换衣服来刷新你的衣橱, 或者把不需要的衣服卖给当地的寄售店或网上寄售店赚点外快, like Tradesy or Poshmark.

Reduce electric usage

Household appliances that stay plugged in could account for up to 8% of your energy usage even when they're not in use. Unplug certain items, such as computers, DVD players, coffeemakers, lamps, phone chargers and other kitchen items, to help reduce your electric bill.

Try no spend days

Every day you don't spend money you are saving. Challenge yourself to a no spend day 一个月一次,然后改成一周一天,看看你能省下多少钱.

Pack a lunch

The average American spends $3,000 a year eating out. 想想你在午餐上花了多少钱,这些钱在你的银行账户里是什么样子的. Packing a lunch is an easy solution to save some money.

Consolidate debt

如果你要向多个债权人付款,你可能会节省 consolidating your debt.

Save automatically

你的薪水会自动直接存入你的储蓄账户吗. 这被称为“首先支付自己”,这是一种简单的省钱方法.

Apply the 30-day rule

如果有你想买的东西,写下它的价格,然后在30天后重新审视它. 你可能不再觉得这是必要的,或者你可能认为这是值得存钱的东西.

Decide how hard you're willing to work for something

Divide the cost of something you want by your hourly wage. 这将显示你需要工作多少小时来支付这个项目. Then, decide if it's really worth your time.

Don't give up

如果你犯了一个错误,不要让它阻止你前进. 正视你的错误,从中吸取教训. 想想是什么让你做出了这款游戏,并在未来试着记住它. 记住你做过的所有正确的选择,不要让一个错误让你觉得自己很失败.

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