


你的后院可能是你的骄傲和快乐, 但是在绿色植物中隐藏着有毒的植物吗? 三片叶子, leave them be" is a useful rhyme to help you recognize poison ivy and oak and avoid the itchy symptoms they bring, 但这只是认识有毒植物的开始.

还有许多人不适合简单的描述. Some of the most prized decorative plants and flowers can be quite harmful if ingested. If you have young children and pets, take care to steer them away. 这里有一些植物和花要注意.


  • 毒葛. 这种植物在美国到处都能找到. 它通常以藤蔓或小灌木的形式生长. It has 3 glossy leaves and the leaves change colors depending on the season, 可能有花或浆果. 触摸会引起皮肤刺激.
  • 毒葛. 类似毒葛, it can be a vine or small shrub and can cause skin inflammation and symptoms like itching, 红肿,有时起水泡.
  • 毒漆树. Less common than poison ivy and poison oak, poison sumac is actually more toxic than the other two. 接触这种有毒植物可能会引起皮疹和肿胀.
  • 蓖麻油厂. 这种植物可用于园林绿化, and its oil seeds contain a toxic substance that if ingested can be fatal to humans and animals. 它可能导致严重的呕吐、腹泻和脱水. 它还会导致肾脏和肝脏衰竭和死亡.
  • 大猪草. 它是一种入侵植物,可长到14英尺高. 它通常在纽约被发现, 宾西法尼亚, 俄亥俄州, 马里兰, 俄勒冈州, 华盛顿, 密歇根, 维吉尼亚州, 佛蒙特州, 新罕布什尔州和缅因州. This plant's sap combined with sun, can cause severe skin burns and permanent scars.
  • 水芹. This bush has small white flowers and might grow as a weed close to wet areas of streams or meadows. 这是一种剧毒植物,闻起来像胡萝卜. It is very toxic to animals and humans, and attacks the nervous sy阀杆. 众所周知,它杀死了哲学家苏格拉底.


  • 铃兰. This plant with beautiful white flowers can be deadly if ingested by humans or pets. All parts of the plant are toxic as they contain a substance called cardiac glycosides. 这种物质可以阻止心脏跳动.
  • 毛地黄. All parts of this pretty, bell-shaped flower are poisonous, and could even be lethal, if eaten. 毛地黄(也以其拉丁名而闻名), Digitalis) grows wild throughout the United 状态s and is cultivated in gardens because its white, 奶油黄, 粉红色或玫瑰色的花朵也很有吸引力. Because of its toxicity — bear in mind that a powerful heart medicine is derived from the plant — children must be carefully watched around it. It is also toxic to a range of animals, including livestock, cats and dogs.
  • 绣球花. 一种常见的灌木,有粉红色的花簇, 紫色的, 白色或蓝色, hydrangeas can be toxic to people and pets if large quantities are eaten. Symptoms include stomach ache, nausea, 呕吐 and sweating, but it's usually not deadly.
  • 夹竹桃. 这种灌木在花园中使用,有美丽的花朵, but all parts of the plant are highly poisonous to both animals and humans. 即使少量摄入也会造成严重伤害. After ingesting it, some symptoms are irregular heartbeat, shaking, drowsiness and confusion.
  • 杜鹃和杜鹃花. These two plants are close relatives and ingestion of these plants can cause similar toxicity. Symptoms may include stomach pain and 呕吐, breathing issues, paralysis, coma and even death. 在某些情况下, honey from bees that have fed on these plants' nectar has shown high levels of toxicity. 这种蜂蜜有时被称为“疯狂蜂蜜”。. It is important to note that in some cases the azalea flower may be mistaken for a honeysuckle flower.
  • 山月桂. This plant is dangerous to both animals and humans if it is ingested. Some of the poisoning symptoms are irregular breathing, convulsion and diarrhea. 它还会导致昏迷和死亡. It is mostly fatal if ingested by grazing animals, and is also called "sheepkill.“它可以在牧场和空地上找到.
  • 苦茄属植物. This vine-like plant is found in the United 状态s and other parts of the world. 茎被用来制作治疗皮肤疾病的药物, 但是没有确凿的证据证明它的有效性. On the other hand, both leaves and berries of this plant are poisonous. 摄入后的一些症状是:头痛, 呕吐, 腹部内出血甚至死亡.
  • 蔓陀罗. Also known as "devil's trumpet," this weed can be found everyw在这里 in the United 状态s. 它有一个长长的,白色或紫色的花. 它可以引起动物和人类的疾病, 包括脉搏和呼吸急促, 腹泻和抽搐. 在某些情况下,它会导致幻觉. 这种植物也被称为“詹姆斯敦杂草”." It has been documented that in the late 1600s many British soldiers were sent to Jamestown, 维吉尼亚州, 反抗叛乱. Many soldiers ate this weed on a salad and became intoxicated and acted silly for more than 10 days.


  • 芦荟. This is a great plant to have on hand as a natural salve for burns. However, it can be harmful to pets if ingested and can cause 呕吐, diarrhea and tremors. 如果你有这种植物,把它保持在爪子的长度.
  • 紫藤. 这种藤蔓有美丽的蓝色或紫色花朵, but its pods and seeds can be toxic when ingested by dogs and cats. 它可能引起呕吐和腹泻.
  • 百合. These popular flowers, especially "daylily" and "true lily" types are extremely unsafe for cats. 这种植物的所有部分都有毒,包括花, 阀杆, 花粉和树叶, 包括放花的花瓶里的水. 如果被摄入,猫会患上致命的肾衰竭. 如果狗吃了它们,它们可能会出现一些轻微的胃部症状.
  • 水仙花. 这是一个很受欢迎的春天, 黄色的花,如果被狗吃了会引起腹泻, 流口水和心脏问题. 这种植物最危险的部分是球茎.

简单的见解® 有一些 给宠物的其他建议. 了解更多关于宠物安全的信息,包括 对你的宠物安全的植物 以及如何 防止宠物进入你的家.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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如果你的房子建于1978年之前, 偶尔在那之后, 含铅涂料中可能含有铅, 所以请阅读这些安全提示.


了解一些宠物友好的植物, 也要避开有毒的室内植物, 帮助你的猫和狗快乐和健康.