A man with glasses working on content strategy and using his laptop in an office with a large window and cityscape view in the background.


好的内容为你的客户提供价值, amplifies your company's voice in the marketplace and positions your biz as the go-to expert.


每个企业都有自己的故事. 说不说由你决定. 内容是吸引人的有力工具, retain and ultimately drive customers to take profitable action. Craft a narrative that defines your brand and tells a compelling story to your customers.

Content creation takes shape in many ways (articles, 面试, infographics or videos) and can be shared across many channels (social media, 博客或电子邮件). Good content is about more than just advertising and selling your product 或服务. It's about reaching your customers with the right message, delivering it to them in the right place at the right time and ultimately guiding them on a journey to the center of it all — your product 或服务.

生成有价值的引人入胜的内容, 比如相关教育, 操作指南, 解决问题的想法和娱乐, can help you amplify your business' voice amidst competitors. And positioning your product 或服务 at the center of your message makes you the go-to expert on that topic. It gives you a platform to answer the big questions your customers are asking: "What do you do?、“你和谁一起工作??、“我为什么需要你拥有的东西??和“为什么是你做得最好的。?"

As you set out to curate your customer's experience with your brand, the content you put out into the world becomes the narrative that teaches your customer why and how to interact with your business. 虽然运营对经营企业至关重要, your content is a key part of engaging your customers. Take time to tell your customer a story and guide them through an experience that will speak on your product's behalf.


那么从哪里开始呢?? Here's a process that'll help you get the word out. 字面上的.

1. 形成概念

从任何地方开始,集思广益. 你有什么故事?? What style of communication is most authentic to your biz? 你的客户需要了解什么? 你的客户上网时间花在哪里? 你所在行业的内容趋势是什么? 其他行业? Eventually you'll start to recognize patterns — make note of them.

2. 排序

你的想法适合在哪里? Are they overarching concepts or do they fall into tactical specifics? 记住, not everything should be directly about your product 或服务. 对你的读者进行教育, information or entertainment they're looking for that may not seem directly related, 但又与你的业务有联系.

3. 时间表

准备好承担责任. 设定最后期限,找到工具和时间块. Map out when, w在这里 and how your content will go live.

4. 创建

感觉启发? 捕捉那些瞬间. Write it down and stick to your plan and bring your ideas to fruition. 和有创意的朋友合作制作视频, 跳上脸谱网 Live, 拍一个Insta-Story, design an email campaign or post the article that points to your product — this is w在这里 your ideas come to life and your story takes shape.

5. 参与

It's not enough to put content out into the world and let it sit — you will want to promote your content. Post it on your social media pages, interact with commenters and readers and also encourage sharing. Don't forget to make sure your current customer base is reminded about new products 或服务s.

记住这个: If you give your customers valuable content they didn't even know they needed and connect your offering to the solution they're looking for, they'll see what you do as invaluable to their own individual story.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Homebased businesses might require small business insurance since homeowners may not cover business needs.


Use this guide to help turn your idea into a successful business.


规划 for the unexpected may be necessary for the survival of a business.


准备好成为一个企业主? 遵循以下步骤创建商业计划.